Maintenance tips for tempered glass for table
 May 19, 2022|View:466

Maintenance tips for tempered glass for tableTempered glass for tables have been popular with many consumers since it was developed for its aesthetic and practical benefits. In recent years on furniture, the market appeared a lot of styles, the material is beautiful outstanding glass mensal. It solved the housewife's headache restaurant cleaning problems and was so loved by the people. Tempered glass for table although it has a high load-carrying capacity, high impact strength, and high bending strength, some maintenance techniques are needed to ensure the life of the tempered glass for table.

tempered glass for table

1. Avoid exposure to the sun and rain

If the tempered glass for table is exposed to sunlight and rain for a long period of time, the seam will crack, causing the substrate to expand, and deform, and the glass to shatter. If this happens, it has to be sent back to the factory for repair.

2. Place items with care

Remember not to slam into the tempered glass for table, and to place things gently on top. Cover the surface of the tempered glass for table with a tablecloth or doily to prevent scratching.

3. Keep clean to prevent mold

Keep the tempered glass for table clean on a regular basis to prevent mildew from contaminating the desktop. If there is mildew, you can move the table to the ventilation, and mildew in the place with electric perm 2-3 minutes, until the mildew disappeared.

4. Erase your tea in time

As the water falls onto the tempered glass for table surface, it should be dried or it will leave an ugly stain over time. To get rid of these tea stains, you can sprinkle some water on the table, and then with a cigarette case of tinfoil to wipe, after you want to use water to scrub, you can wash off the traces.

5. Hard cloth and wax remove burn marks

Sometimes a cigarette accidentally falls onto the tempered glass for table, leaving an unsightly burn mark on the surface of the glass. You can remove the burn by wrapping a stiff cloth around the toothpick, gently rubbing the burn mark, and then applying a layer of wax.

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