High quality home furniture factory near me
 Aug 27, 2021|View:748

What furniture brands are high quality? How to choose high quality home furniture factory near me? I think this is something that many people think about when choosing furniture.In this article,I will recommend you a high quality home furniture factory.

In Jiangsu Province, China,there is a furniture factory with 20 years of production experience -LiCheng glass products Co., Ltd. This factory is close to Shanghai,so its geographical position is superior. The manufacturing of office furniture and small furniture in Changzhou, Jiangsu are relatively developed because of the perfect surrounding facilities.

The company's product is complete to offer different products for customers:

In the glass business, this factory mainly supply domestic medical equipment, export furniture glass, window glass, electronic screen, glass floor and other glass used on precision equipment . The glass can meet different needs, including high temperature resistance, high pressure, explosion-proof, decorative use, display screen, etc. And this factory also can provide special wooden box packaging for exporting glass.

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In the furniture business, LiCheng mainly supply cross-border e-commerce suppliers, covering regions such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and the Netherlands.

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So no matter what country you're from, you can choose to work with LiCheng.

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